Sonntag, Juli 16, 2006

Mail an Birgitt Williams, Open Space-Begleiterin aus Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, von heute

Dear Birgitt,
sometimes things happen... which were only dreamed...
Thanx for your mail to the international OS list concerning the last four spaces in your annual COSO-training.
It's so wonderful.
Well, I can't participate this time, but the right time will come. :-)
Let me introduce myself shortly: I learned the work within and with Open Space years ago when I organized an OS as a client of Marei. It was her first facilitated OS.
I needed two more years to come back and deeper into that. Now I participated in several OS, including some with Michael M, Jo, Matthias or Harrison. In November I will take part in the training in Blossin near Berlin and I am looking forward to a magnificent week in Open Space! :-)
I love OS and I am be sure that it takes a big part in my life.
Three weeks ago I received an assignment for building up a foundation in Bonn/Germany which is supposed to work on school development - a field which is highly demanded in Germany and a field in which I thought before large group interventions like OST would help. Now I can combine those to heart-issues. What a gift.
And: I like to build up this foundation following the principles of OS and following the enormous energy which is coming out of this experience.
So: Two weeks ago I registered for your COSO-training in Frankfurt/Germany in August, organized by Matthias. Unfortunately he told me that he cancelled it a few days before because there weren't enough registrations. So I looked for the next chance: Salzburg, also in August. Five of that six days I could be there except the day in the middle, the 23rd of August, on that day I have an important political press conference I have to moderate in Berlin. So I thought again: It is not the right time. But it will come.
This afternoon I received a link from Matthias to an article of you (The Wesley Urban Ministeries Story) on his website, because I asked him for more information about COSO. I will read your text tomorrow.
Now, after I watched a movie Marei gave me last week (The Secret), I returned to my computer to write my blog about my feelings and learnings with this DVD. And I saw your mail to the international OS list. Well. Again I can't participate: At the first day (10th of Sep) it's the last day of my first Psych-K-Workshop with Richard Schultz. And the last two days (12th and 13th of Sep) I will help Marei to facilitate an OS in Bielefeld/Germany.
So: The right time will come.
I am so happy about it I just can't describe. And I am looking forward to meet you, any time, anywhere.
And I am happy that I can share this with you. I hope that you want to follow my thinkings and feelings - thank you very much for that.
Take care,


Und was ich gerade sah: Den vorletzten Blog erstellte ich nach dem Gespräch mit Herrn L. - so schließt sich ein Kreis. Denn während des Films dachte ich mehrmals, ihm nun einmal die wunderbaren Dinge zu schreiben, die sich seit unserem Gespräch in meinem Leben ereigneten. :-)
Es ist etwas sehr sehr Gutes,

Die Kraft der Anziehung

Gerade sah ich mir mir meiner Lebensgefährtin K. die DVD mit Namen "The Secret" an. Ein Film über das Geheimnis, dass, was immer man anzieht, erscheint, geschieht. Die Kraft der Anziehung meint, dass - hat man sich auf das Positive, das Gewünschte eingestellt und es in Gedanken und noch wichtiger: Im Gefühl visualisiert - genau das passiert, was Gedanken und Gefühle vorher anzogen.
Ein amerikanischer Film, dadurch etwas schwarz-weiss-darstellend, etwas überromantisiert, etwas zu sehr an Materiellem orientiert. Aber: Im Grundsatz richtig.
Der richtige Film zu richtigen Zeit.
Nicht, dass ich das vorher nicht gewusst hätte. Ich handelte bereits seit vielen Jahren danach, aber unbewusst. Nun kann ich das auch bewusst tun. Und mit dem Können von Psych-K (ab September) erreiche ich auch den Rest meines Unterbewußtseins, der noch anders funktioniert. Nicht mehr lang;-)
Es ist etwas Gutes,