So viele gute Ansätze, die alle für sich wirksam sein können, um eine fairere und gesündere Welt zu gestalten, eine Welt der Solidarität. Drei davon hier:
Seit Jahren folge ich Michael Braungart mit seinem Cradle-to-Cradle-Konzept, unwidersprochen bisher:
Alternatiba setzt dem WEQ von Peter Spiegel und anderen (statt dem IQ nun das We-Q, die Intelligenz der Gemeinsamen) das WEV entgegen: Widerstand - Experimentieren - Vision (s. auch dazu diesen prima Artikel:
Und noch ein filmischer Essay über Menschen, die anders handeln: Schluss mit schnell (lief im Sommer 2014 auf Arte):
Samstag, Oktober 04, 2014
Montag, Juli 21, 2014
Donnerstag, Mai 08, 2014
Heute schon getanzt?
Und erneut begegnete mir dieses Vid und brachte mich zum Lächeln und Tanzen!
Wollen wir tanzen?- ¿Bailamos? DEUTSCHE Untertitel von dm_523e02e4c6a97
Wollen wir tanzen?- ¿Bailamos? DEUTSCHE Untertitel von dm_523e02e4c6a97
Mittwoch, April 30, 2014
Zwei Perlen
Heute zwei Perlen des Webs:
Einmal zwei Herren, die auf klassischen Gitarren drei Trance-Hymnen performen:
Und dann mal wieder hohe Kunst mit Sand, diesmal auf einer sich drehenden Scheibe, Knaller:
Einmal zwei Herren, die auf klassischen Gitarren drei Trance-Hymnen performen:
Und dann mal wieder hohe Kunst mit Sand, diesmal auf einer sich drehenden Scheibe, Knaller:
Montag, April 07, 2014
Prioritäten setzen
Wir inbetweener setzen Prioritäten - und bevorzugen, die Welt oder Menschen oder besser: das Zusammenwirken von Menschen zu verbessern - auch wenn das gelegentlich bedeutet, das Finanzielle, das auch wichtig ist, etwas in den Hintergrund zu schieben. Und wir machen es trotzdem und weiter und hören nicht auf. So wie in diesem Spot, zwar mit seltsamem Ende - weil von einer Versicherung - aber mit tollen Inhalt:
Montag, März 31, 2014
Der Tag wird kommen...
Gelegentlich höre ich gern derartige Musik, vor allem dann, wenn sie gepaart mit tollen Texten ist, so wie hier:
Dienstag, Februar 25, 2014
Hängen geblieben
Neulich ging ja dieses Vid mit Julia Engelmann und ihrem Poetry-Slam über ihr Leben und ihre Sicht auf selbiges steil.
Ein Freund, JS, sandte mir daraufhin diesen Ausschnitt aus einem Text von Jonathan Harris über sein Leben und seine Sicht auf selbiges.
Ich zitiere also Jonathan Harris:
Getting Unstuck
All we have in life is our time. People struggle after success. They hunger for fame, fortune, and power. But in all of these things, the same question exists — what will you do with your time? How do you want to spend your days? As Annie Dillard reminds us, “how we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”
In life, you will become known for doing what you do. That sounds obvious, but it’s profound. If you want to be known as someone who does a particular thing, then you must start doing that thing immediately. Don’t wait. There is no other way. It probably won’t make you money at first, but do it anyway. Work nights. Work weekends. Sleep less. Whatever you have to do. If you’re lucky enough to know what brings you bliss, then do that thing at once. If you do it well, and for long enough, the world will find ways to repay you.
This fall, in a toilet stall in Burlington, Vermont, I saw this scrawled on the wall:
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive. The world needs more people who have come alive.”
If you’re doing something you love, you won’t care what the world thinks, because you’ll love the process anyway. This is one of those truths that we know, but which we can’t seem to stop forgetting. In America, success is a word we hear a lot. What does it mean? Is it money, power, fame, love?
I like how Bob Dylan defines it: “A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do.”
We have these brief lives, and our only real choice is how we will fill them. Your attention is precious. Don’t squander it. Don’t throw it away. Don’t let companies and products steal it from you. Don’t let advertisers trick you into lusting after things you don’t need. Don’t let the media convince you to covet the lives of celebrities. Own your attention — it’s all you really have.
In the tradeoff between timeliness and timelessness, choose the latter. The zeitgeist rewards timeliness, but your soul rewards timelessness. Work on things that will last.
Inside each of us is a little ten-year-old child, curious and pure, acting on impulse, not yet caring what other people think. Remember what you were doing at ten, and try to get back to doing that thing, incorporating everything you’ve learned along the way.
When I was ten, I was writing words and drawing pictures. Maybe that’s the path out of the stuckness.
Dabei am besten einen Song von Moderat, A New Error, hier neu interpretiert von enyrismusicFR, hören:
Oder auch seine Cover von Oblivion oder Ludovico Enaudi... Episch!
Ein Freund, JS, sandte mir daraufhin diesen Ausschnitt aus einem Text von Jonathan Harris über sein Leben und seine Sicht auf selbiges.
Ich zitiere also Jonathan Harris:
Getting Unstuck
All we have in life is our time. People struggle after success. They hunger for fame, fortune, and power. But in all of these things, the same question exists — what will you do with your time? How do you want to spend your days? As Annie Dillard reminds us, “how we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”
In life, you will become known for doing what you do. That sounds obvious, but it’s profound. If you want to be known as someone who does a particular thing, then you must start doing that thing immediately. Don’t wait. There is no other way. It probably won’t make you money at first, but do it anyway. Work nights. Work weekends. Sleep less. Whatever you have to do. If you’re lucky enough to know what brings you bliss, then do that thing at once. If you do it well, and for long enough, the world will find ways to repay you.
This fall, in a toilet stall in Burlington, Vermont, I saw this scrawled on the wall:
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive. The world needs more people who have come alive.”
If you’re doing something you love, you won’t care what the world thinks, because you’ll love the process anyway. This is one of those truths that we know, but which we can’t seem to stop forgetting. In America, success is a word we hear a lot. What does it mean? Is it money, power, fame, love?
I like how Bob Dylan defines it: “A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do.”
We have these brief lives, and our only real choice is how we will fill them. Your attention is precious. Don’t squander it. Don’t throw it away. Don’t let companies and products steal it from you. Don’t let advertisers trick you into lusting after things you don’t need. Don’t let the media convince you to covet the lives of celebrities. Own your attention — it’s all you really have.
In the tradeoff between timeliness and timelessness, choose the latter. The zeitgeist rewards timeliness, but your soul rewards timelessness. Work on things that will last.
Inside each of us is a little ten-year-old child, curious and pure, acting on impulse, not yet caring what other people think. Remember what you were doing at ten, and try to get back to doing that thing, incorporating everything you’ve learned along the way.
When I was ten, I was writing words and drawing pictures. Maybe that’s the path out of the stuckness.
Dabei am besten einen Song von Moderat, A New Error, hier neu interpretiert von enyrismusicFR, hören:
Oder auch seine Cover von Oblivion oder Ludovico Enaudi... Episch!
Montag, Januar 27, 2014
Die Geschichte einer Lösung
The Story of Stuff kennt Ihr ja sicher alle (u.a. auch hier).
Nach The Story of Change kam nun The Story of Solutions, sehenswert und schließt an so vieles an, das Gutes bewirken kann:-)